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K/N cone filter questions, suggestions

Message text written by INTERNET:[email protected]
>I have a couple questions.
How will I get the K&N Cone filter secured to the pipe?
The most obvious place to put the filter is down behind/under the drivers=

headlight.  But that is where the intake ducting is routed now anyway... =
would that be pointless?  Or does the K&N cone filter draw in a lot more
air? =

I currently have a drop in K&N filter.  Will I experience any gains over
drop in???
What about wet weather?  This place seems like it will stay dry... but wh=
driving in the rain will it get wet and damage my engine?  This isn't a
vehicle... it's my only car (daily driver) but I am attempting to make th=
car as fast as possible for as little money as possible.
and lastly, what kind of gains can I expect?

Thanks In Advance,
Jeff Patch
http://jamspot.simplenet.com  <-<

For all the testing that I have done with stock air boxes.  I think that
removing the stock air box is a good thing .
there is a pressure drop across it that the cone filters seem to not have=
. =

  Putting the k/n into the grill area or into the headlight is best to ge=
t =

the coolest air.   =

If you wanted to get a little more HP , you could go with the eRAM electr=
supercharger as it has a version that has a K/N cone filter on it,  plus
you can get the benefits of 6-10 hp as it is a  .5 to .75 psi pressure
booster either in the airbox or the intake system    =

The other option if you want true funtionality is to leave the stock air
box in place, and just attach the eRAM to the stock airbox =

with the k/N filter on the FAN unit.   This way you could get rid of the
stock filter, keep the stock air box,  and get the extra HP that the
electric supercharger would bring.        Cost would be the same as a col=
air intake system.  =

look at the web site    for pictures of the device .   We have a  chrome
version that looks very cool too.
I should have the dyno results on an M3 next week. Last week was the 10 h=
on the 911 carrera, tomorrow is the turbo MR2.

Mark Kibort
