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RE: 325e Overheat
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
> Hello all, i have yet another few questions for you. Today on
> the way to
> school about halfway there my heat all of a sudden shutoff,
> giving me only
> cold air, next my battery light came on, and my engine temp
> gauge started
> rising. I drove for about 1 mile until the temp guage reached
> the redline, at
> which point i pulled over to the side of the road. My carpool
> buddies and i
> managed to push the car to the nearest gas station. We parked
> the car and
> hiked the next 6 miles to school (Michigan weather -20 degree
> windchill 8am) I
> was pretty dissapointed. The car is currently in a parking
> lot waiting for a
> towtruck to come get it to take it to the repair shop here in
> Grand Rapids.
> Anyone know what could have caused this? am i in for a very
> large repair bill?
> Thanks
O Nameless AOLer,
The car may have lost the accessory (fan) belt. If the water
pump and alternator lose their belt, no more hot water movement
and no more alternating. Assuming you stopped pretty damned
quickly, you MIGHT have avoided damage.
Of course, you must replace the broken fan belt. Loosen alternator
bracket (17?19?mm and 13mm wrenches/sockets) and install new belt. $10
part, 10 minute job. If it's really -20 windchill, you will do it
VERY FAST (or pay a mechanic to do it VERY FAST). I just got home
after a vacation in SC and OH (Columbus) and am happy to see the sun
again. No wonder Yankees are cranky. (Joke - my whole fan damnily is
from Ohio parts.)
If you're lucky, the head did not crack and the head gasket did not
blow from the hot engine. That would be expen$ive. I'd say you have
a 50% chance of being okay - cold assed weather probably gives you
more leeway. I've lost a heater hose on a 325e motor before. Not
good. Later the thermostat got stuck closed. That was it - crack'd
after about 5 miles of driving with the heater on.
Good luck to you!
- - Thi