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2000 is TOO LATE
Actually, you're both wrong. Many modern scholars now agree that a scholar
in 525 A.D. named Dionysius got Christ's birth date wrong. Modern scholars
believe Christ actually was born somewhere in the period we know as 7 B.C.
to 4 B.C., most likely 4 B.C, the year Harod the Great died. That would
mean that at the latest, the millennium actually rolled on December 31, 1997
(Remember, no year zero!). So if the millennium represents 2,000 years
since the birth of Christ's, we missed the big one.
OOOPPPPS. That bit of news really creates panic among those of certain
religious leanings that think the end of the world, or the second coming, or
the return of the locusts (or whatever) will occur on the magic millennium
date. Looks like the world actually ended at least 2 years ago!
Already living in the 3rd millennium. . .
Cheers, RC
> Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 05:47:28 -0800
> From: "Brad Houser" <[email protected]>
> Subject: Re: 2000 is too early!
> Yes Allan, you are right. Everyone who thinks the otherwise is wrong. We
> didn't
> know how to count back then. (The Romans had no symbol for zero).
> There is something about seeing all those digits roll over, like when my
> first car,
> a '67 Beetle, rolled over from 99,999 miles to 00,000. (I stopped in the
> middle
> of Kansas and took a picture of it, back in 1976.) For party value, and to
> be
> consistent, this millenia can begin at 2000. Of course, the truth
> won't come
> out and be realized until after the champagne corks have been thrown/put
> away.
> ("Where were you at the new millenium Grampa?." "I was at work making sure
> the computers wouldn't crash for the first one. For the real millenium, I
> was at
> home to avoid the drunken drivers.")
> So it will take a year for the world to realize that the big
> party (1999 to
> 2000)
> was early, and there will be another big party (2000 to 2001)!
> Brad
> - -----Original Message-----
> From: Allan Williams <[email protected]>
> To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
> Date: Tuesday, January 05, 1999 3:55 AM
> Subject: Re: bmw-digest V9 #785
> >Some of you may not realise and might want to know the following:
> >
> >The year 2000 will be the last year of the century - 2001 will
> be the first