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New Years Resolution

Hey everyone,

I have an idea (yes it DID hurt when I thought of it).  Let's all make a
New Years resolution to stop whining and attacking on the digest.   No more
Bubba Bashing (leave them alone), commercial-post complainers (some people
like the information) or personal attacks (ala Hott Rodd, Mark K. or anyone
else).  Insulting someone basically sucks.  Many times while slamming one
group you will be attacking another without really being aware of what
you're doing.  Slamming the Bubba's in a group when you're mad at one is
stupid.  Complaining about commercial content is Richard's job (and no, he
did not make you hall monitor just in case he missed something).

Until you personally have all the answers (and we know that no one short of
a Phil Marx, Steve D', Brett A. clone WON'T) then simply accept what's said
and contribute good stuff.  If you have a problem with something flame away
off-line ([email protected] if this post is pissing you off to which you
will get a hearty Merry Christmas).

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah (belated) and Happy New Year to all.

Jerry Chyo
'88 M5
'72 tii

PS It was 30 deg f. this AM.  Too cold for me.  That's what I get for
making fun of our warm weather deficient brethren.
