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Rob Levinson wrote:


[snipped since I wasn't sure if Rob's e-mail was private or public]

>As always,
>- Rob
>From: Bernard M. Walters <[email protected]>
>>Yo Rob,
>>Yes, I missed that post from Richard. I apologize. But it seems that
>>when HOTT RODD was doing his thing, Richard was right on top of it. He
>>wasn't too busy to invoice RODD, or at least come out on the net 
>>him, then ask him to leave. Since I wasn't privvy to any private
>>correspondences between Richard and RODD, I can only go on what was in
>>the digest from Richard concerning the issue. Going on public
>>information, it _seems_ that the digest rules aren't enforced equally 
>>far as commercial posts.
>>Since the digest is free to non-commercial subscriber/poster types, I
>>have absolutely no right to insist that Richard enforce the rules
>>equally, but I do infer from the digest web page that they should be.
>>I'm not complaining, just making some observations.
>>Not a RODD fan, not a bubba fan, just a digest (and Richard) fan

Rob, et al,

If I was was harsh, I apologize. If I hurt someone's feelings, I 
apologize. Public enough, Rob? I also applaud Rob for having the 
sensibility and decency to discuss this intelligently and without crude 

My opinions stand. IMHO there's a double standard. The digest rules 
state one thing, but the rules don't seem to be enforced equally: If the 
bubbas are behind something, it gets pretty much accepted by the rest of 
the digest, whether or not the published rules are followed. OTOH if the 
bubbas don't like something, they are among the first to cry that the 
rules were broken. Convince me this isn't the case and I'll go away.

To Richard: It's your digest, change the rules to whatever you want. But 
if there _are_ rules, shouldn't they be followed by all and enforced 
equally? Can you say anarchy?


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