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Re:[E36M3] I need new rear seat foam

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Are you sure about that 6 week figure.  Call Stephen Wolff at 305-256-2207.

I've gotten 4 or 5 parts from Germany and none has taken more than 10 days. 
Well except for clear tailights which are never available.


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Subject:    [E36M3] I need new rear seat foam 
Author: "Jones  John - JDJO (NOTES)" <[email protected]>
Date:       12/15/98 2:55 PM

Howdy all -

Some of you may have followed the sad tale of 
Calypso, my 98 M3/4's, maiden voyage during 
hurricane Frances, and the subsequent repairs.

I'm down to one last thing.  I need to replace the
rear seat foam, as the original is clean, but unlikely
to ever be dry.  I find that the new seat cushion is 
made of unobtainium, and must come from the 
Fatherland.  As I don't want to wait six weeks to have
a back seat, I am seeking other alternatives.

I believe that any rear seat from an 
e36 four door will fit, and those from a two door will
not.  I would welcome offers from 
any of you who have had rooftop rides, or know of
good salvage yards.


98 M3/4 - "Calypso" - currently a two seater


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