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Re[2]: Beer as a Measure of Work <wob>

     I had the jingle bell thing on my 6, it was a loose exhaust hanger 
     near the cat.
     As far as being able to actuallly *drink* the beer you just opened, it 
     works better to have a neighbor/friend(also equipped with a beer)there 
     to distract you while you work.  When you come up to address his 
     thoughts, have the beer in hand to work on between sentences.  Just a 
     thought, YMMV.
     86 635CSi(not really fixed yet, but frequently part of social 
     BMW CCA#161249

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Subject: RE: Beer as a Measure of Work <wob>
Author:  Christian Els <[email protected]> at Internet_TCO
Date:    12/15/98 10:54 AM

I find that whenever I perchance to be under the hood accompanied by an 
alcoholoic beverage of my choice, I inevitably wind up abandonning said 
beverage in a remote corner of my workbench or on the roof of the car as 
it has gotten in the way of grabbing this tool or spilling that fluid, 
or raising my fist in anger at the unjust lot I must suffer or 
Does this mean that I am too easily engrossed in spinning wrenches, or 
not suitably enamored of swilling ale? Will my car never quite be fixed 
correctly because of this deficiency?
Damn, I had better just start taking it to the dealer now, before I 
really offend the patron saint of auto repairs. (St. Bubba?)
BMW content: I have a "jingle bells" sound coming from the rear of the 
car, like a sway bar support bracket has come loose or something. 
Reaching under and pulling on stuff, everything is tight and secure, but 
kicking the tire will reproduce the noise on demand. While it is 
seasonally appropriate for the moment, I would like to be rid of it. Any 
ideas on what to check?
'94 325i
Date: 14 Dec 98 17:16:37 PST
From: [email protected]
Subject: Beer as a Measure of Work <wob>
Scott says that:
>Steve D says:
> Speaking of beer, when Brett
>says a repair is a "one beer job" and Duane says it takes 3 beers, is 
>Brett a much better mechanic or is he drinking 24oz Fosters to Duane's 
>7oz RR?  SD
I know guys that don't drink beer (or any alcohol, although I don't 
personally endorse this way of life  :^) ), and still work on their own 
cars.  Therefore, every job is a 0 beer job.  Does that make them really
fast mechanics?
