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Re: Duane's "No chains!" Advice

Duane advises us to forgo the chains:

>Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 21:14:29 -0500
>From: "Duane Collie" <[email protected]>
>Subject: No chains!
>>Have anyone try chains or cables on a 98' M3?
>>Is there enough clearance for the chain/cable?
>>Will the chain/cable be hazardous to the rim?
>This is a REALLY bad idea.
>The only corrrect solution is to buy a set of snow tires/wheels for the
>car.  One of your primary problems with the MXX3's or any other ultra
>hi-po tire is that they don't work when cold. The temperature drops and
>they turn into ball bearings, even with minimal snow on the road.  These
>tires are designed to work at higher temps.  Chains and cables can not
>only chew up your tire and rim, but when they come loose (and they
>ALL come loose) they will play hell with your paint and fenders in
>addition to wrapping themselves up around your axles.
>Duane Collie

And I'm not disputing anything he said about potential damage or anything
but here in California, there are 3 levels of chain controls.  One of them
(can't remember which one - John G?) says you gotta have chains, even
if you have snow tires.  You either put them on or turn around and go
home.  Or you can have 4WD with snow tires.  But then you eventually
get to the chain control level where you've gotta have 4WD AND chains,
in which case you SHOULD turn around and go home, 'cause you don't
want to be driving in THAT!

So, snow tires is great advice, but for some of us that may not be
enough, at least not legally.

Scott Miller
Golden Gate Chapter
BMW CCA #44977
