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Gas Prices

>Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 23:20:23 +0000 (GMT)
>From: "K.C. Boyce" <[email protected]>
>Subject: In other octane news...
>There's been a string of letters to the editor out here in Colorado
>Springs dealing with gas.  Someone wrote in to complain about how
>we're getting stiffed with gas prices (how much do you pay for
>premium?  I pay $1.30) and how the 85 octane regular can't even be
>used in modern cars...  (Supposedly it voids the warranty!)
>Needless to say, I didn't even bother trying to write in to explain
>about how low atmospheric density relates to preignition and that
>lower octanes work at higher altitudes...
>    KC Boyce
>    '85 325e
>    E30 Eta Page: http://rikki.cc.colorado.edu/~k_boyce/

Well, I'm in champaign IL and the prices are extremely low.. Premium at
like a speedway is 98 cents for 92 or maybe 93 octane.  and 87 octane is
like 85 cents..  At a big station like amoco or mobil premium is only like
a 1.05 or so..  In chicago  its probably like 5 cents more for each grade
than here, and in the actual city probably like 10 cents more. but it's great. 
- ------------------------------------------------------------
Michael Gruby
e-mail: [email protected]
University of Illinios
