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<MISC> re:Parts CD

Bob Fluharty sez
>        I wasn't paying attention when this was being discussed a few 
>     months ago, but now, as I prepare my Santa letter, I'm interested. So 
>     can anyone tell me definitively:
>        1. Is there a CD with parts pictures/numbers/prices/etc for E30 
>     (particularly '87 325is)?
>        2. Where can Santa get it, and how much will it cost him?

YES there is a CD which includes motorbikes and cars.. 
stuff up to E30 (but not E28) so YES it covers your E30 325is

check my mini-FAQ


It is available from any BMW dealer (though they will probably think you
are crazy 'cause most of them don't know anything)

BMW Part Number 72 00 0 035 315

Costs ~$40

I got mine for $34 from Stephen at South Motors in Florida
 (mail order) (email him at [email protected])

(Dealer here in Canada wanted $120 CDN (~$80 US !!!))

it is a GREAT Christmas present

chris pawlowicz
'89 325i
'74 2002
