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Re: the mother iX + Quattros

among other stuff Dave writes (and i concur):

<<I chose to buy a cherry iX over a Quattro A4 for a number of reasons.>>

never even occurred to me to buy an audi, although i nice car i hear.  audi
vs. iX......let's go.

i guess if you want a new car then that's the way to go.

<<and yes a properly driven iX can make SUV drivers gasp in awe and

i can't wait.  i think i'll keep a tally of how many SUV's try to race me.
; )  for those who are skeptics of the audi vs. iX check out the iX FAQ page
on the CCA website.  that should clear it up, at least theoretically.  the
proof is up to you.

hey gary, with all those M3's laying around couldn't you make one of'em AWD?
; )  enjoy your cars!


jack money
motor city chapter
'89iX ----> mother of iX's, recently relocated

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