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Re: BMW Logos and Digest Stickers

Mike Biles said: (edit edit)

- ----
Hey Kids,
        Ok, I should have known better. I am a professional graphic designer,
and I've turned away business because I was being asked to use unauthorized
copyrighted material.
        It does, however, disgust me that companies like BMW won't allow groups
like us to use their logo. I understand that they want to insure that their
logo is being used in such a way as not to harm the reputation of the company
but I've been led to believe that despite how good the design is or how
innocuous our use of their logo would be that we would be summarily denied if
we were to ask to use the logo.
- ----

Imagine this scenario:

BMWNA says, "ok, use the Roundel, we don't mind"

Someone on the list asks how to upgrade their '02 brakes, and someone else
gives them bad advice, resulting in the original poster becoming crippled
after a big wreck.

Crash victim sues the list, but probably won't get much, and there are
strong first-amendment protections for the list.

So crash victim sues BMWNA.

Plaintiff's lawyer:

BMWNA *Gave permission* for the Digest to use their corporate symbol on
this internet forum, thereby associating itself with this group.  BMWNA
then allowed bad mechanical advice to be given on the list that they have
associated with, knowing full well that such advice would result in brake
failure, yet completely neglected to correct the bad information.



So would you let us use YOUR corporate symbol?


Don Cicchetti - BMW CCA member 122043
[email protected]
'71 2002/318ti (waddya mean that motor don't go in there?)

- -Beatnik Motor Werke-
