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Tomas Clark and his ego (Not representative of this list)

Message text written by INTERNET:[email protected]
>ate: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 22:24:25 -0600
From: "Thomas G. Clark" <[email protected]>
Subject: Mark Kibort

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have solved the problem with getting tons of unwanted e-mail from Mark
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tons of unwanted email?    Well, doesnt take an Einstein to=

that I must have received the EQUAL AMOUNT FROM TOMAS CLARK.
  tap tap tap!!

 Since I never just  send an unsolicited email,
I  was just responding to his insulting emails.

So Tom, Glad you got you little filter engaged and Im flattered that you
took the =

time to set it up.   Now how is going to work if you dont send me

Remember, that was the problem on the List,  I was only respondiing to an=
and all comments
regarding the test results and formulas regarding the e-RAM

Mark Kibort
e-Ram going on a 325 this week
See you at Thunderhill on Sunday for the bmw/porsche race!!!!!
