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re: digest window stickers

On Thu, 3 Dec 1998, Thomas J Noto wrote:

> I humbly suggest that the proposed digest sticker contain an ASCII drawing
> of a BMW, similar to the ones that Robb Salzmann and Michiel van Wessem

ooh, I've been collecting ASCII BMWs for a long time now.  They really
seem to have fallen out of favor lately though.  Anyway, here is the
collection of my favorite BMWs, exactly as I spotted them on this
digest.  Names have been obscured to protect the innocent.  Watch that
tab damage, guys! 

R1s, hard cornering, and loose lugbolts don't mix! 

                                                   ( OO====00=M3=OO )

This one rides on snails for some reason.  Must be an E21 320i.
          @        @

When you see this coming at you, you know you're in trouble!

                    ______     ______
92 325i           o/______\o o/______\o
94 325is          (oo_OO_oo) (oo_OO_oo)
                  []o----o[] []o----o[]

Another case of the wrong wheel offset. (and roof offset)

Fnnhr Bhpvs                  o/______\o        1992 318i
[email protected]       (oo=OO=oo)         Convertible
650-555-3000               []------[]          Black/Black

ditto, except one of the wheels has fallen right off.

>    ______     Rftbyeh G. Wrhl
>   /______\    '86 BMW 325es
>(OO=oo=OO)     [email protected]
> [ ]         [ ]       http://www.ns5a.buffalo.edu/~ojdw (UNDER

This one is up on jackstands for some reason.

jpaxnk 3mjybsd                            ______'
AS/400 Software Support, IBM Sweden     o/______\o
///                                     (oo=00=oo)


 o/______\o         Ftk Lxvnb, electrical engineer
 (Oo=3D00=3DoO)         e-mail:[email protected]
 []=3D****=3D[]         BMW 318i (E30+M42); 135,000 km; Hot red.

this guy's got one on jackstands and one on concrete blocks!

Bref Dntjhwl            __________      ______
[email protected]         /__________\    /______\
(nnn) 555-7364        (OO=[ ][ ]=OO)  [oo]OO[oo]
93//740i  95//M3      |||o^^^^^^o|||  |#|o  o|#|
Webmeister GCC BMWCCA http://www.gdrtet.net/rghdv/4y/

When you get a car this old that far off the roadway, it's not
surprising that the a wheel or two might fly off.

'68 1602
 (__)               (__)

- ------------------------------

an unlatched convertible top in a crosswind?

o/_______\o  Cknqkr pnza
(oo=00=oo)  [email protected]
[]-----[]  `86 325es

woops, ran over the fraternity brothers.

and of course the BMW SAV
/    \


End of bmw-digest V9 #627