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RE: Buying a New BMW


I know of (and have purchased two new Bimmers from this year) an EXCELLENT,
small, upfront and honest dealer in Kentucky.  I purchased a '98 M3/4 from
him for $1,000 over invoice and a '99 328i for $2,000 over invoice.  They
have a "program" for BMW CCA members and they will run the whole deal over
the phone (including the deposit of $500, a pittance compared to the $5,000
some dealers ask for when you factory order).  They don't need to see you
until you come to pick it up (they'll also deliver it to you for ~$150/day
needed for their guy to drive a truck/trailer to and from YOU)!

Let me know if you want his name and number...  BTW, you could mention my
name to him and ALL I'd get is a phone call thanking me for the business...

As far as the BMW NA discount is concerned, I BELIEVE that it is for CCA
members of 1 year or more (it's a _loyalty_ discount)


> Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 22:02:51 EST
> From: [email protected]
> Subject: Buying a New BMW
> After taking my father down to Spartenburg for the M Day USA
> festivities last
> month, he has now caught the "Bimmer" fever.  He wants a 1999 528i.
> I have had two BMWs and never bought new.  Other than shopping
> local dealers,
> what other means are out there to get a good deal?  One local
> dealer came out,
> without us asking, that they would be only willing to reduce the
> sticker price
> by 3% and that's it.  Big deal!!!  I am a tough customer when it
> comes down to
> price, which is probably why I have bought used.
> Anyone use Steve Diamond, other Roundel wholesale pricers???
> How about Fred
> Opert Racing...Euro delivery???  Is Fred Opert cheaper than
> buying through a
> BMW dealer and picking up at the factory in Munich???
> I would be willing to drive/fly anywhere on the USA East coast to
> central to
> pick up the car.
> Is BMW coming out with any Club member rebates for new BMW
> purchases???  Vic
> Doolan I believe mentioned this at M Day USA.
> Your ideas are appreciated.
> Thanks...Chris Osborne
