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Re: Mark Kibort <wob - sorry>

I'll try to keep this short, but it has to be answered:


>Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 17:41:56 -0500
>From: mark kibort <[email protected]>
>Subject: Scott , your breaking the code.
>Scott, =
> I told you that Im not posting unless posted to.   So, why didnt you pos=
>to me privately????

So it's OK for you to continue to publically spam the Digest, but not OK
for me to publically ask you to stop.  Thanks for clearing that up.  Is this
the "code" to which you referred?  I'm not entirely clear on the meaning
of your subject line.

Since I already sent you my detailed PRIVATE reply to the
similar-but-not-identical message you posted here, I won't share it all
with the list.  Except for this part:  I respond to between 10 to 20 Digest
posts a week, most of them PRIVATELY.  I do this because I don't feel
the need to fill up Digests repeating the same thing I said last week or last
month.  You should do the same.  Just because a question is posted on
the Digest does not mean you need to respond on the list.  Respond in
PRIVATE and we'll all thank you.  You've exceeded the spam/flame war
proportions generated by the Rodd Sidney pressure cast wheels, setting
probably a new Digest record by repeating basically the same thing over
and over and over and over.  Enough.  I'll make a deal with you:  Take
your ERAM posts private, and I'll stop posting my opinions publically as

I'm glad we had this little discussion.

If anyone else out there feels the need to respond, please send your
comments PRIVATELY, directly to Mark or to me.  Thank you.  Sorry for
the wob.

Scott Miller
GGC BMW CCA #44977
