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use your freaking heads


Kibortion (said)

>Relax, be happy, go on a drive your Bimmer like you stole it!!!!.

Take all the dolts from this digest interested in your hair dryer and start
your own digest.  Then I'll be much happier.......NO NEED TO REPLY....

>Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 15:13:00 -0800
>From: Steve Albrecht <[email protected]>
>Subject: Go away Mark
>The subject line says it all.  I agree with Scott Miller, Michael_Bird,
>and everyone else that enough is enough.  Can't you take a hint?  That's
>a rhetorical question and I'm not looking for a reply Mark.
>* * * * * * *   MARK - GO AWAY  * * * * * * * * *
>Steve Albrecht
>Golden Gate Chapter

A brother in arms!!!!  Why help these guys with their Compuserve?   You
people out of your minds?  I'll ALWAYS scroll through moronic mispelled
menadering mollycoddling misinformative mismash from someone more mixed up
than Milk of Magnesia!!!!!!

Chris Brennan
BMW CCA #19577 (20 years and this crap takes the cake)

"Stop the insanity!" --Susan Powter, of all people.
