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Re: Euro liter .....
Rob Bentley wrote ...
>Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 10:34:34 -0000
>From: Rob Bentley <[email protected]>
>Subject: E30 OBC
>Fellow Digesters,
>Now that I've been persuaded NOT to buy blue bulbs, can someone re-assure
>that my OBC is correct?
>I drive a 1986 euro 325is, with a 55 litre fuel tank.
>When I fill it to the brim, the OBC reads 47 litres (wne I press the 1 and
>1000 keys to show fuel remaining)
>Can someone else (preferably en England because of the euro liter) fill up
>and give me their reading?
Is this some new plot?? I thought a liter(litre) was a liter everywhere --
are you telling us there's a new litre available?? And is it 900 mL in size?
Ian Telford - 633Csi
Rob Bentley