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Re: bmw-digest V9 #595

In a message dated 98-11-27 01:08:22 EST, you write:

<< Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 21:24:23 +0000
 From: "Aaron Bohnen" <[email protected]>
 Subject: <E28> Water in my trunk - where are the sunroof drains?
 Hi everyone,
 I'm fighting a new battle with my 533i - I have water in the trunk. I know 
 the usual drill, specifically "check the sunroof drain tubes". Sounds easy 
 but I can't *find* the damn things. Can anyone tell me exactly where they 
 are located?>>

At the front of the sun roof on each side.  These go down to near the front
doors,  don't know where the rear drains are but they drip from that vent
piece on the sheet metal between the quarter panal and the roof.
 <<I will also check the rear light gaskets. My trunk rim gasket doesn't look 
 great but it also doesn't look wet so I don't think that's the culprit.>>

This sounds much more likely of a leak area.  I replaced a slightly cracked
rear light unit and it sealed up my trunk in the process.
 I'd be grateful for any other insights on this.
 Many thanks,
 Aaron >>

Let me know if the detector is still available...

