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re: Nazi Cops .. Don

Mark said:  (edit edit)

- -------
  I usually don't reply to these kinds of emails, because its quite clear
you have a chip on your shoulder, and are a hot hea looking to start a
fight with me.  Evidenced clearly by the personal comments/attacks you
made on me in the email.  But this is an issue I feel strongly about, and
I am replng to the issue, and not your comments about my stupidity.
- -------

Mark, you took this way too personally.  I share the blame for that, but
the computer medium doesn't help.   I do not think you are arrogant,
stupid, or any of that other stuff.   I simply think you are not well
informed on this stuff.

I was not just reacting to you, but to a lot of other posts as well.
Sorry if it seems like I was unloading on you.

- ------
>Why don't you scrub into an O.R. one day and see
how much stress there is?  And then see how many of those stressed doctors
snap at the patients for asking question.  I'd say the percentage is about
- ------

Been there, done that.  Used to videotape surgeries, major ones.   Also
used to be a criminology major.   Less stress in the O.R.   There has to
be, since if doctors faced their own death every time they cut, they would
be unable to operate at all.

No one shoots at Doctors.   If the patient dies the doc still goes home to
his/her family.

As far as professionalism, out here in California, almost every cop I've
met has been a total pro; relaxed and competent.   Where do you live?

Do cops -really- mouth off at you while giving you tickets?  That has never
happened to me.

You need a videocamera if this is actually happening to you.

- -----
Haha, don't make me laugh.  Complaints to the police do absolutly nothing.
How many of those police officers suspended for incedents that gained
public media attention had a drawerful of citizen complaints but with no
disciplinary action?

For any other profession, complaints would result in some sort of action
against the transgressor, but oh no, not for the police officer, because
they are "the law", so they are perfect people.
- -----

Again, this has not been my experience.   Actually, here in CA, things have
gotten to where the citizen is usually believed -before- the cop is, which
is resulting in us losing a lot of good cops to malicious and frivilous

- ----
Trendy anarchist?  Never knew it was trendy.  And in response, I am not an
anarchist, but I do believe there is ALOT wrong with the police, and htat
they should be disciplined.  I still don't see how you can equate my life
being in danger from a criminal to my speeding infractions??  Don't tell
me that going over the 55 mph speed limit is dangerous.
- ----

There are situations in which it is deadly.   Basic speed law, remember?

Btw, I went 7mph over the posted speed limit in every state on a CA to NY
run this summer (it was safe to do so).   No tickets.

I think the cops are pretty fair in most cases.

- ----
Ok, I noticed your address @domain.elided, so you are in a university
getting a degree.  I'm sure you know the percentage of Americans who are
good ole fashion anarchists is probably less than 1%.
- ----

Actually I teach here.   Trendy anarchy however, is still very popular in
the mass culture.  I see it everywhere I look.    Is there anything more
boring than some 40-year-old still posing as a "rebel"?     (again, I am
not talking about Mark!)

- ----
Majority rule is not something this country is based upon, but has
taken that unfortunate turn, and I do feel that needs to change.  I full
agree the correct way to solve this particular issue is through a change
in law, and never admonished the police for pulling me over and issueing
the citation.
- ----

Ok, you're not a trendy anarchist, you're a libertarian.    Some good stuff
there, but I have reservations in general.

- ----
I was addressing theissue of why police are generally
hated, and thats because of their attitude.
- ----

Police are not generally hated, and you will never find any stats/studies
to support such a statement.

The police need to always be professional, and the public needs to
understand nature, and dangers of, the job we pay them to do, and not
expect them to be shoe salesmen.

- ----
As I said from the start, you
have a chip on your shoulder and have your own issues to resolve.  But
if you continue to make attacks on me, then this email thread ends here.
I invite you to continue a reasonable debate
with me through private email, or I could meet you in person one day,
since this is a topic I love to debate.
- ----

Actually, I do not have a chip anywhere, I simply know a lot of cops, and
wish you did as well because you would change your mind.

BTW, just for the record, you impress me as a bright and fairly reasonable
guy.  Don't mistake my strong views for personal dislike of you.


And hey, have a GREAT Thanksgiving!

Don Cicchetti
[email protected]
71 '02   BMW CCA member 122043
- -Beatnik Motor Werke-
