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Nazi Cops .. Don ..

  I usually don't reply to these kinds of emails, because its quite clear
you have a chip on your shoulder, and are a hot hea looking to start a
fight with me.  Evidenced clearly by the personal comments/attacks you
made on me in the email.  But this is an issue I feel strongly about, and
I am replng to the issue, and not your comments about my stupidity.

Here goes:

> Don Cicchetti said:
> ----------
> Whew!!  Reality check time!
> Mark, you need to ride with the cops for a week or two.   If an officer has
> a gruff attitude it's because his/her -life- is on the line every single
> time he stops someone.   Often, a criminal is looking for the slightest
> sign of weakness, fear, or indecsion on the part of the officer.  If they
> sense that, the officer's life is in grave danger.
> ----------

This is true, but thas a responsibility they take with the job.  And is
not something they should allow to interfere with their duties, thats
called professionalism.  Why don't you scrub into an O.R. one day and see
how much stress there is?  And then see how many of those stressed doctors
snap at the patients for asking question.  I'd say the percentage is about

Everybody has different amounts of stress on their job, but they know it,
and they are not forced there, and their duty, especially one of a police
officer, who probably has one of the most important charges of a public
servant, must meet that level of prfessionalism.  Unfortunatly, mst do

> ----------
> What do you think a criminal will interpret "sorry" as, Mark??   hmmm?
> If you want scraping and bowing, go to a fancy restaurant or a Rodeo Drive
> clothing store.
> If you don't want to deal with cops, don't break the law!
> If you do get stopped, YOU start by being nice.   Be really nice, and quite
> a few cops will warm up to you immediately.
> The others are simply trying to get home to their families alive.
> ----------

No matter what you think of me, I'm not arrogant or stupid.  I do start by
being nice to the officers, extremly nice, and humble since I do
understand that *I* am the one at fault.  But they are like that friend
that always says, "I told you so."  Instead of issueing me my citation,
they have to tell me about how much of a public menace I am, or how many
children I could have just killed.  That along with the condesending
looks, rolling of the eyes, etc.

And a cop can reasonably determine I'm not a criminal after he puts me in
the computer and starts writing up my ticket.  tThe only "crime" I
commited was speeding.  How are his arrogant comments going to keep me on
the defensive?  Keep me from killing him?  Thats a poor excuse, I'm sorry.

> ----------
> You poor boy!
> Listen, if a cop gives you an attitude for asking directions, write down
> his/her badge number and write the chief of police a letter, with dates,
> times, and details.   Trust me, that cop will hear about it.
> ----------

Haha, don't make me laugh.  Complaints to the police do absolutly nothing.
How many of those police officers suspended for incedents that gained
public media attention had a drawerful of citizen complaints but with no
disciplinary action?

For any other profession, complaints would result in some sort of action
against the transgressor, but oh no, not for the police officer, because
they are "the law", so they are perfect people.

> ---------- 
> And next time your life is in danger because of some other trendy anarchist
> who hates cops, lets hope the law comes crashing down, and quickly...
> ----------

Trendy anarchist?  Never knew it was trendy.  And in response, I am not an
anarchist, but I do believe there is ALOT wrong with the police, and htat
they should be disciplined.  I still don't see how you can equate my life
being in danger from a criminal to my speeding infractions??  Don't tell
me that going over the 55 mph speed limit is dangerous.

> ----------
> It isn't always stupidity.  Sometimes it's mere immaturity and adolescent
> "rebellion".  Sometimes it's someone who fancies themselves as a trendy
> anarchist and feels above the law.
> Somtimes it's just someone who wants to drive fast all the time and blames
> the police instead of working to change the laws.
> ----------

Ok, I noticed your address @domain.elided, so you are in a university
getting a degree.  I'm sure you know the percentage of Americans who are
good ole fashion anarchists is probably less than 1%.

And since you feel the need to label me then discredit me (hmm, common
police tactic), let me respond.  I am not an anarchist, and love our
system of law.  What I do not like, is the system of enforcement, its a
system of selective enforcement, based on 'statistical numbers showing who
a "common" perpetrator is'.  Sounds like good ole fashion Majority rule to
me.  Majority rule is not something this country is based upon, but has
taken that unfortunate turn, and I do feel that needs to change.  I full
agree the correct way to solve this particular issue is through a change
in law, and never admonished the police for pulling me over and issueing
the citation.  I was addressing theissue of why police are generally
hated, and thats because of their attitude.  As I said from the start, you
have a chip on your shoulder and have your own issues to resolve.  But
 if you continue to make attacks on me, then this email thread ends here.
I invite you to continue a reasonable debate
with me through private email, or I could meet you in person one day,
since this is a topic I love to debate.

> Oh, and sometimes it's just stupidity.  Sorry

So am I.

PS. John F sent me a private email detailing what his practice is during a
routine traffic stop, and I have the utmost respect for him and his
professionalism.  If more police were as curteous as he describer, then
I'd have no problems with them.  And by the way, i have dealt with curteos
police, and I always leave the situation with respect for them, but in
most cases its not so.

> Don 

Have a nice day.

Again, please excuse the typing, new keyboard is in the mail, I love

 Mark (aka cu) / iCE Staff
 [email protected]
