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why Police have a bad wrap...
- Subject: why Police have a bad wrap...
- From: ChrisBourk@xxxxxxx
- Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 01:28:14 EST
<Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 11:25:45 -0700
From: John Fountaine <[email protected]>
Subject: Blue lights, Nazis and morons-one persons perspective
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My appologies to the digest members. This is long winded....
Sean Murphy, Chris Bourk and Tim Gergen took exception to being called a
moron. Although I don't think I singled anyone out or named names. "You"
is a generalization and contains no specificity. I suspect that no one on
the digest would have known which of "you" have blue lights installed on
"your" car if "you" hadn't piped up and admitted to it-not that your
preferences are a bad thing.>>
Just a note: if you're going to lie to the digest don't you think you should
be a little better at it? In point of fact - you never called me a moron
although I'm sure think I am. I guess you're just upset I didn't bother
answering your silly self serving reply to my e-mail.
<< If I stop you and you treat me>>
Jonny boy, come to NY and and stop my car - let's see where you spend the
next few hours while your department is called and your sorry silly self
checked out - then you can come back and explain your need to serve and
protect to the judge.
Yes, I know a few police officers but many more lawyers - one thing is clear,
your attitude is what turns people off to the boys in blue. It's when someone
missuses their uniform, that respect is lost for the force.
Most people are turned off by the guy who tries to be a bully, I'm sure
you'll get away with it (for awhile) when you're on duty but on the digest
you're just another person posting. Do your profession a favor and stop
broadcasting that you belong to it - they have enough to deal with.
Take off the sap gloves and stop being a jerk.