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Re: bubba bashing morons

Just so there is no confusion here, I am not a member of the bubbas anymore.  I
have my own special, elitist group now, whom I value much more than the bubbas.
They are called my real friends.


> Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 16:45:08 -0800
> From: Jerry Chyo <[email protected]>
> Subject: Re: bubba bashing morons & M5's & M3's
> Come on guys, what are you thinking when you smack a fellow (and in the
> case of our sensitive Suzy 8^), Lady) Bimwad's simply because they have
> their own little tight knit group.  It's not unlike your
> friend's...everyone has a group, and this is their's, so lighten up.  I'm
> not one but I've communicated with several (and probably more since I have
> no idea who's who anymore) and I've never had any problems with
> them...except Duane ;^) (boy, he gets picked on).
