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RE: Chart and Chips, Q & A??

[email protected] worried:

   I just recently bought a Turner Chip for my 85 535i, I was wondering..I
   actually think that most companies buy their chips from one distributer
   "stick" their logo on it, is this true?  Almost every company I checkied
   claimed the same HP and Torque increases, So I assumed that they all use
   same chips.  I didn't ever even hear about Jim C. untill I joined this
   My Question is....Did I waste my money on a "bunk" chip?

No cause for alarm Nathan, the Turner chip <IS> the Jim C. chip.  You made
the right choice and didn't even know it.  As far as the WOT vs 3/4, I
believe Jim C. poseted recently in the ERAM nonsense that they chip will
affect both sitiuations, even though the O2 sensor is not used in WOT (I'm
paraphrasing of course)--but I may be wrong due the furious PgDn'ing I was

Congrats and enjoy your chip!

                                  n n n n
