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Which end goes first?

From: dave <[email protected]>
<start snip>
BTW, is it just me or do you all park your car butt in too? I noticed that
bmw enthusiast would park there car butt in while non enthusiast park their
cars head in. Just wondering.

BMWCCA member, LA Chapter
</end snip>

Dave, I think (this is only my opinion) that a lot of people (Ok, people
that I know) don't back into a space because they don't feel comfortable
driving/parking backwards. I think this is really bad, because they've
obviously gotta drive backwards to get out. I think (again, my opinion)
that good drivers (OK, maybe just me) back into parking spaces, because
when you're entering a parking space it's very obvious to those around you,
 where as when you leave a parking space you're blocked by other cars and
there's a higher probability of hitting someone that doesn't see you coming
out (or that you don't see while you're backing out). 
I've also heard backing in referred to as "alcoholic parking". I guess the
alky crowd know that they'll be too hammered to back out of a space. And of
course if you're planning a bank robbery, you'll wanna back in for a quick

Chip "always butt'n in" E.
