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Re: E30 instrument cluster removal BA

>Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 13:36:04 -0600
>From: [email protected] (GARRY GRIGG)
>Subject: E30 instrument cluster removal.
>     I am trying to get at a blown panel lamp over the speedo on her
>     I have removed the 2 screws in the top (as on my E34 !) but can
>     see where the lower ones referred to in the Haynes book are.
>     Thanks
>     Garry
>     [email protected]

In order to access the 4 lower screws, you must first remove the kick
panel above the pedals. Then reach up behind the plastic strip below the
cluster and remove the knurled nuts from each side.  Pull out the
plastic strip and the screws are behind it.

The Bentley manual quite clearly shows the cluster, with the plastic
trim below it and the text "Instrument trim panel  (1) to be removed by
removing two knurled nuts from up behind panel"
on page 14 - 5

Brett Anderson
BMW and ASE master technician

Please include all correspondence when replying
to avoid confusion - Thank you
