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Re: E30 Questions/Concerns BA

>Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 21:22:36 -0700
>From: "Vetere" <[email protected]>
>Subject: E30 Questions/Concerns
>I recently purchased an '86 325es.  I have noticed some problems that I
>would like to have fixed.
>1.  The light on the OBC is out.  I have read the FAQ's but wonder how
>difficult it is to replace.  I don't know if I want to disassemble the
>center console.  There is also a light out behind the temperature knob
>the climate control.  Could this be easily replaced at the same time?

http://frontpage.bestweb.net/~bretta/E30.backlight.html tells you how to
do the display light. In addition to these instructions, pull off the
knobs from the vent slides, gently pry off the cover immediately
surrounding the slides and you will find 4 screws. Remove them and you
can pull the entire facia forward far enough to find and replace the
bulb for the temp knob.

>2.  The Brake Lining Light is on, but the pads are new.  How would this

By replacing either the defective sensor (were they replaced with the
pads?) or defective harness.

>3.  The door locks were replaced several years ago (I have all of the
>records), but the glove box, trunk, and ignition still use the old key.
>Could it be easily be made so that all locks use the same master key?

The door locks can be recoded to match the ignition key. If the shop
that installed them had any idea what they were doing, that would have
been done already.  It is not entirely difficult to do, as long as you
have a good memory as there are quite a few small parts that have to be

>4.  The trunk leaks on one side only.  Can this be fixed easily?


Brett Anderson
BMW and ASE master technician

Please include all correspondence when replying
to avoid confusion - Thank you
