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Re: ZF4HP22E/H re-build
> So this is a ZF4 going out in a classic way. Didn't you notice anything
> with the tranny-oil? Burned? coloured? I once ran out of a ZF3, you
> remember the bullit-proof one! It costed me 600US$ to fix it. Not
> too much and I must say afterwards it was one of the smoothests
> ones I ever experienced! So my advice would be, take it to a
> specialised automatic or ZF rebuilder/re-conditioner. Oh if that
> doesn't work, hop over to your friendly wrecker, he probably
> has got a ZF4 lying around for 700!
I tried to change the filter once the box started to show
signs of slipping. I couldn't get one of the bolts out as it
was stripped so I had to run with new ATF and a dirty filter
for a week. The magnets in the oil pan had a fair covering
of particles.
The next weekend the tranny died while I was driving to my
girlfriend's house to change it! Drive in reverse but not
forwards. ATF is very dark and smells awful.
I can get a used auto box for 350GBP but will probably
spend 700GBP on a "kit" of conversion parts from a guy who
has done this job a few times before.
BTW not all ZF4HP22EH boxes are compatible with the car!
Boxes from L-Jet and Motronic cars differ. L-Jet boxes have
a kick down cable to the throtle body whilst Motronic boxes
have an electronic interface. My 1/85 Motronic 1.0 tranny
has an 8 pin connector but I'm told there are several versions.
Ah, a break from the Jim.C slagging and electric blower threads!
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Who needs a life when you've got Unix? :-)
Email: [email protected], John G.Burns B.Eng, Aberdeen, Bonny Scotland
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