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Re: : <E24/E28> Propshafts, manual boxes and flywheel sensors! BA

>Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 20:09:14 GMT
>From: John G.Burns <[email protected]>
>Subject: <E24/E28> Propshafts, manual boxes and flywheel sensors!
>Still haven't quite decided whether to convert my poor dead
>'85 635CSiA to a manual box. A few issues:

Do it, you already know how it drives as an automatic, now double the sensation :-)

>Do any E23, E28 or newer models share the same propshaft as
>a manual 635CSi? I need a propshaft for a possible auto to
>manual conversion but dead 635s are a bit rare up here.
>I guess the E23 is longer but the E28 MAY be the same
>floorpan (is wheelbase the same)?

John, you are going to have to do some measuring.  The E24 manual driveshaft is 1522 mm long.  Most, but not all manual E28's have
the same shaft. However, SOME E28 528i's had a shaft that was 1532 mm long.  Now, considering the slip joint in the middle of the
shaft, this may not be a problem, but it would be better to find one of the correct length.

>Also if you found a manual box mith 120K miles what would you
>replace on it. I'm probably nuts to be thinking about this.
>I will use a new clutch kit and slave cylinder.

Master and slave, pivot pin for clutch fork,  clutch plate, pressure plate, throw out bearing and you will need to install a pilot
bearing in the rear of the crankshaft. Also replace both the output shaft seal and the shift selector seal.

>Another wee point, the 528i will be L-Jet and my 635 is
>Motronic 1.0. Are the flywheel TDC and speed sensors the
>same? If not can I plug my 635's sensors into the E28 bell
>housing and have the right geometry?

An L-Jetronic car won't have the flywheel sensors installed, but visually checking the transmission bell housing will show if the
sensor mounts exist (they almost certainly do). If there are mounting holes, your sensors will work fine.

>The flywheels are different for manual and auto, is this
>just a weight thing? I wish the Mobile Tradition CD covered
>the E28!

The thickness is considerably different, you will need to get an M30 manual flywheel from a Motronic car.  L-Jet flywheel does not
have the pin sensor required to trigger the Motronic TDC sensor.

>If anyone in the UK can help source parts for the manual
>conversion or a ZF 4HP22 EH auto tranny please email me.
