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<E36 M3> LTW Oil Pan Group Purchase?

I've been getting more and more concerned about the "overfill" solution 
to the E36 M3 Oil Pan problem. The two tracks I attend frequently 
(Roebling Road & Road Atlanta) both have the problem areas (high speed 
sweeping lefthand turn 3 at Roebling, severe downhill braking into turn 
10 at Road Atlanta) that would cause potential engine oil starvation. 
I've been putting 1 quart of oil in the stock pan to try and prevent 
this, but I'd love to fix this problem the right way - the LTW Oil Pan.

One problem though, the damn thing costs too much!! I remember Duane 
Collie mentioned he had organized a group purchase of the pans from PTG 
a while back and got a great price. I'd love to try and organize 
something like this again and see if we could get a similar deal. Is 
anyone interested? Send me an email at [email protected] if you are 
and I'll see what type of price we could get.

Peter Stuhr
Tarheel Chapter
'95 White M3

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