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Re: electric supercharger response ** Rob

You just don't get it.

I would not recommend any of these devices unless shown accurate test
reports, dyno graphs, etc.

We have seen NOTHING like that from you.

At least Turbo-Zet shows plenty of "proof".

What's the matter - you don't think that they could have some better
technology then you?

They have better "proof" than you.  I volunteered server space to post your
dyno graphs on the web, remember?  I don't have anything from you yet.

Also, I was under the impression that you were reading every single word on
the Digest about your product... then why didn't you see the post I made on
11/8 about the Tornado (which has at least as much "proof" as your product).
The Tornado doesn't work and I have no idea why you would use them to
"validate your concepts".

That's silly.

- - Rob




- -----Original Message-----
From: mark kibort <[email protected]>
To: Mike Kibort <[email protected]>
Cc: Bubba List <[email protected]>; [unknown]
<[email protected]>; [unknown] <[email protected]>; B Kibort
<[email protected]>; 'Rob Levinson' <[email protected]>; 'mark kibort'
<[email protected]>
Date: Monday, November 09, 1998 7:14 PM
Subject: RE: electric supercharger response ** Rob

Rob says:
> And if I were ever to consider one, I'd consider the unit from
> Turbo-Zet, http://www.turbo-zet.com/ ... these people back up their
> claims
> with dyno graphs and explanations that are free from nonsense.
> - Rob Levinson
> <
How does 50 watts of electrical energy do anything.   a small muffin fan
inline with an intake.  with a big bypass
over the fan in the inlet duct.
On top of that , it is speed controlled for different vaccum settings.
Now this could improve gas mileage but as far as performance when the 50
cfm fan is in line with a 300 cfm flow of air going to the engine,  please
help me understand how this could do anything.

I really would want to know.  And, if it does do anything at all, then WOW
,think what 400 watts of  power could do the power's life blood   called

So, why would you think it works?   Im curious.    I bet you think the
tornado air  swirler is a good concept too.  ("little tornados that run
thru your intake system and get into your engine faster")      If they
work, then all the power to them.   It only validates my concepts.

