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Re: <E28> PS Fluid BA
- Subject: Re: <E28> PS Fluid BA
- From: "Brett Anderson" <bretta@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 01:55:02 -0500
>Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 23:23:54 EST
>From: [email protected]
>Subject: <E28> PS Fluid
>I'm getting a squeel from my power steering pump (I think). The level is
>about as far below the cold-fill line as the distance between the cold-fill
>and hot-fill lines. Is that low enough to cause the squeel?
Yes, although you could also have a plugged filter in the base of the reservoir.
> I looked in my
>Haynes (can't afford the Bentley yet!) and it said to use Dexron II AT fluid.
>Before I fill my reservoir with it I wanted to check and make sure Haynes was
>right. Is this the right stuff?
Yes it is the right stuff.
> Do all Bimmers use the AT fluid for power
No, but yours does.
Brett Anderson
BMW and ASE master technician
Please include all correspondence when replying
to avoid confusion - Thank you