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real boost , but not much

Message text written by INTERNET:[email protected]
>rom: "Scott Johnson" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: electric supercharger (for real)

Unless this device is creating _real_ boost, it sounds like it would =

decrease horsepower rather than add it. Your motor doesn't sit =

there and politely use whatever air is handily lying there for it-it =

sucks it up on the intake stroke, as you hear on cars with cone-
filter type setups.

Sounds like an intake restriction to me. If I want a _real_ power =

boost, I'll lose some weight. Now THAT'S a UUC upgrade!

- - -Scott Johnson
 87 BMW 325is - money pit/autocrosser
 95 Contour SE - wife's BTCC car<
its like having 120mphram air sitting still.      it produces dyno proven=

hp.   it does not give anyrestriction. (easy bench test)
and it produces a smallbut effective .35  psi of pressure to the air box.=

this pressure is denser air that is drawn in by the intake stroke.  Y ou
also hit my point on the head with suck.  Yes , suck, it sucks therefore
their is a negative pressure that we are trying to eliminate.   that is t=
main purpose of ram air  and my device.  if the pressure is there , it is=

there to move into the engine.   Ive measured the vaccum in the air box =

(filter area)  You should too, before you doub my experiences.   the
vaccume in the airbox is .5 to 1 psi under max throttle and 5 to 7000 rpm=
=2E =

  this is equal to operating your car at  1000 feet altitude. YOU want to=

test those effects, drive to a mountain, on a flat road go 60 to 100 mph,=

then do it at sea level   , watch the difference of times. We have
coorelated that data to the fan operation at different pressures on the
dyno.  =

So, it works, and works for scientificly proven reasons.    You really ne=
to study some basic fluid dynamics, aerodynamics and engine combustion
theory so we can talk about this educatedly.

electric ram air system
