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Re: bmw-digest V9 #422

>Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 10:23:36 -0330
>From: "Blair Daggett" <[email protected]>
>Subject: CDN Parts
>Try Beach Auto  in Toronto.  416 964-5361.
>Blair Daggett
>'90 535i Sharked and lots of parts from Beach

Beach Auto - www.beachauto.com

Beach Auto is on of the best in Toronto IMHO, thats where I get alot of my
stuff and they service my car but I dropped my jaw when I asked how much a
lighted  window switch was, They gave me a price of $74 !!!!. A quick check
with the Bav auto catalog revieled a price of $16. I have looked for an
online Canadian source but have come up blank thus far. If anyone knows of
a mail order or internet source of BMW parts in Canaada please let me know.

Dave Larocque
'87 325
