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RE: Putting 325es on jack stands

I believe you can use the center of the rear subframe and center of the
front subframe to
lift each end, respectively.  Obviously you do not want to do both,
simultaneously ...  you
need 3 points to define a plane.   The rear lift point is right where
the driveshaft goes 
through that loop in the subframe.  The front is between the control
arms.  Do not let the
jack press up on your steering rack!!!  

I like to use a piece of 2x4 or 4x4 to take up some of the distance
between the jack and
the car.  Why waste that lift range?   Be careful - wood, especially
older pieces, will rot
and may not support the weight well.  I've had pieces crack, damn near
shatter (tempered
wood???) and simply crush under the weight of the car.  MAKE SURE your
4x4 piece is
at least 4" thick.  I've had good sucess with 2x4x6" long pieces - they
spread out some
of the weight and the jack really can bite into that pine.  They turn
into kindling pretty 
quickly, though.  

Note that you do have to have some long reach to get to the rear
subframe from the rear.
I usually just do a corner at a time. It's not a pre' 93 Mustang, it
won't bend the chassis
to jack up a corner at a time on your 'es.

And for Heaven's sake DO NOT LIFT BY THE BUMPER.  Yes, that would be

 - thi v.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Norman Boehl [SMTP:[email protected]]
> Sent:	Friday, October 30, 1998 12:21 PM
> To:	Michiel van Wessem
> Cc:	[email protected]
> Subject:	Re: Putting 325es on jack stands
> There's no center jack point, that I can tell.  I do it
> by jacking one side at a time, and installing one stand
> at a time.  One just has to be careful.
> Later,
> Norm
> Michiel van Wessem wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > How can I get the front (or rear) of my 325es up on jack stands?
> I've
> > worked on a couple of Civics, which had lift points in the center,
> so you
> > can jack up the entire front or rear at once and put jack stands on
> the
> > supports near the wheels.
> >
> > I didn't see something like that on this car yet. Maybe I can lift
> it by
> > the bumper? Sounds scary. Just got a nice Chinese K-mart floor jack,
> btw.
> >
> > Well.. thanks!
> >
> > Michiel
