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LANDSHARK Chip vs. Da Big Names

>From: "Charles N. Horton" <[email protected]>
>Subject: Dinan chips M3?
>     I know the Shark chip is the list's favorite. But my dad isn't on the
>list and he's more comfortable buying a chip from one of the big tuners.
>He's currently planning on Dinan for his '97 M3/4. Has anyone had
>experience with the Dinan E36 M3 chip? 
>     And is the chip a good first step as far as a mechanical upgrade? What
>should the first mechanical (i.e., not driving school) upgrade be? Will he
>even notice the chip on an un-modified car? I had thought he should get a
>short-shifter first and play with the exhaust.


Well, lemme give ya some advice here. 

Get the Conforti download from Turner Motorsports in Amesbury, MA.  They're
right up the road from you and this is a software driven download vs.
Dinan's 'send in your DME via FED-EX and we'll pull out your EPROM and
solder a new one in'.  Your dad has an OBD -II car so you won't be
installing any chips yourself.

Neither Will Turner or Jim Conforti will keep your $$$$ if your dad is not
happy with the improvement download. They are both stand-up guys.

The Landshark program is the best one there is. Period. If your dad needs
to see a big ad in the magazines to buy a product, well that's certainly
his perogative.  Personally, I'd MUCH rather drive my car over and have the
10 minute non-invasive download over ripping out the DME and sending it to
California so someone on the other coast can get busy with their soldering
iron.  Plus the car is dead in the garage for 3 to 5 days until you get the
thing back in.

I've had Dinan, AutoThority (puke) and four variations of Conforti chips in
my M3 (new chip for every upgrade tweak). No question in my mind which one
is the superior product.

Short shift kits are a lotta fun. Well worth the money.  Exhaust upgrades
are 'feel-good' mods. They won't make the car any faster until you start
installing headers and gutting the cat. But cat-back pipes make that
oh-so-sweet noise.

Duane Collie
SVR / UUC / Bubba
