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Do the Pass Thang
>From: Peter Stickney <[email protected]>
>Subject: <all>Passing at Driver's Ed
> I don't know where all these passing problems
>are coming from -
Here's the typical pass senario I see time and time again. Lead car goes
'round the corner, driver straightens out the car, grabs his upshift and
THEN throws his hand out the window fer the big ole pass wave after he's
nice and comfortable wallowing up the straight. Now, this works fine in
theory except for one itty-bitty problem. The lead car is now more than
halfway to the next turn and the passing car has to really boogie to get
around. Typically the pass car then has to dive in too fast for the
upcoming turn resulting in asses and elbows flailing from both cars in
negotating the turn.
Here's the All-Star Method of Pass ettiqette:
Give your pass wave BEFORE you are fully on the straight. Dat's right.
Throw your arm out as the steering wheel is unwinding and is three
quarters of the way back to center. You won't lose control of the car and
it gives your bud behind you full use of the straight to get around. That
way, he's not all jammed up in the upcoming corner and you're not having to
back off to give him survival room.
You have been watching your mirrors and know there's a car back there,
right? If the car behind you surprises you then you haven't been paying
Ya'll ever get out to Summit to run in the Advanced groups watch Pat "da
Geeeeeeeeezze" Donahue (he gets passed a lot .. <snicker>..) who throws his
pass waves to faster cars while he's still in the corner! And he does it
every time, lap after lap. Ain't never a problem to pass da geeezze - he'll
never jam ya up. Rich Beebe (aka "Beebs") does the same. Lotta fun to run
with guys of this caliber as THEY know where you are and what you are going
to do. Takes a lotta the danger/pucker factor out of fast passing PLUS it
allows you to use your momentum coming out of a fast corner to shoot past.
Duane Collie