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Re: bmw-digest V9 #405

In a message dated 10/27/98 5:54:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, owner-bmw-
[email protected] writes:

<< Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 14:16:39 -0500
 From: "Petro, John D (CORP)" <[email protected]>
 Subject: <E36> BMW synthetic oil part numbers
 To all BMW part gurus:
 	Can anyone give me the part #s for BMW synthetic oils?  I believe
 the part # for the new "long life" 5W-40 synthetic (spec'd for all E46 cars)
 is 07 51 1 470 407; I'd like the nos. for the others (I know there is a
 15w-40, and I've been told there is a 5w-30 and/or 10w-30 synthetic as well.
 I have to go in for my scheduled oil maintenance and I want to get the
 proper weight for the season ( make sure they don't put in 15w-40).  BTW, my
 dealer tells me they do NOT put the 5w-40 "long-life" synthetic in non-e46
 cars-- has anyone had a different response?  Thanks in advance. John, 98
 M3/4 >>

My dealer put in in my 97 M3/4. Even sold me a case of it at Mobil 1 prices.
