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Re: bmw-digest V9 #399

In a message dated 10/26/98 4:48:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, owner-bmw-
[email protected] writes:

<< Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 12:46:06 -0800 (PST)
 From: Garrick Louie <[email protected]>
 Subject: E36 M3 Oil Temps.
 I have a question for those of you with oil temp. gauges?
 What is your oil temp?  Mine is around 150-225F depending on engine load
 and outside temps.  At around 90 degrees outside with stop and go it gets
 as high as 225F.
 Should I be concerned, I thought that temps over 150F signalled higher
 loads on the bearings.  The old ///M cars seemed to run much cooler oil
 temp. wise.  Do E36 M3s have oil coolers?
 I am also running Mobil 1 20-50W  Should I be running something lighter in
 warm So. California?  I think 20-50 is heavy but I don't want any
 *overheating*.  If it matters, the water temp is pegged right in the
 middle where it should be on the instrument cluster.
 Thanks in advance,

Mine takes forever but runs no hotter than 210. I live in NY, and run
synthetic 5W-40
