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re: Let's cook
Well, I never thought I'd be having a debate on the Digest with Fellow Bubba
and Pal-around-Pal Duanegerous, but here goes! ;-)
I know your Oct 5th off was a potential Very Bad Thing, but in fact the car
didn't catch fire, and my point is that during Driver's Schools these things
happen rarely, so it isn't rational to require a long list of safety
equipment that *is* appropriate for racing. At the Rocky Mntn chapter
tracks, the corner workers can be at any place on the track with fire
extinguishers within seconds, and the on-scene ambulance with portable fire
suppression shortly thereafter, making for IMHO "acceptable" risk
management. If you feel safer with on-board Halon, by all means do it!
Again, show me the data! (ie Driver's School events where lack of roll
bars, onboard fire extinguishers, arm restraints, etc made for a bad
outcome). Maybe those occurences are there in sufficient numbers to justify
a change in the required equipment list as Grant proposed, but I'm gonna be
a little surprised <g>.
I think sometimes we get into the dangerous aspects of School events to
reinforce our own boy-racer fantasies--I know I do this. . . .
RMC CCA/UUC/PF II survivor
Pfest III lives!
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 23:51:52 -0400
From: "Duane Collie" <[email protected]>
Subject: Let's Cook
Felloe Bubbae Keith sez:
>For instance, fire extinguishers: How many driver's schools students have
>been burned *during a school* in a car due to lack of a fire extinguisher?
Yo Buddy....lemme tell you on Oct. 5th when I was doing that Insturctor
thang I sure wished that E30 we crashed in at Summit had a fire extinguisher
(which it didn't). We slid into the tree line at 30 mph or so and the
BIGGEST tree of all impacted on the fuel filler of the car, crushing it in
about 8 inches.....I could smell that the cat was burning the grass under
the car and my door wouldn't open as it was impacted into a smaller tree.
Thank goodness the filler neck did not open up on the impact.
So I'm thinking .... ' THIS IS NOT GOOD'. The only way out is through the
Jim, the driver/owner, and neither he nor I are moving real fast after the
impact. Took the fire truck about 2 minutes to get to us. Had we caught
fire I'd have been one crispy bubba. I would have liked to have had the
option to have had 6 seconds of fire eatin' chemicals to get out of the car
My car has a Halon extinguisher bolted to the roll bar, as you know. $ 115
is cheap insurance the way I figure. Don't want to buy a Halon? Get a
Triplex...only $ 10. Even cheaper life insurance!
Duane Collie
No Crispy Kritters 4 me