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Re: Steam cleaning you engine


Steam cleaning your engine area is a little HARSH in my opinion.  I usually
just get some dilute simple green and spray it on then take a brush or rag and
use a little elbow grease.

I wouldn't steam clean the paint on the outside of my car and so I wouldn't do
it to the engine compartment.

Gunk "Engine Bright" seems to work pretty well also but I prefer Simple Green.

you can't really get into too much trouble cleaning your engine unless you
flash your lights or talk about gun control or Hondas - then all bets are off.


In a message dated 98-10-23 10:49:04 EDT, you write:

<< Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 15:38:06 PDT
 From: "Marlon C." <[email protected]>
 Subject: RE:Cleaning Engine
 Does anybody have a bad experience in steam cleaning their engine? Is it 
 because moisture build up in the electrical component? Is it better to 
 wash the engine with regular hose and spray some engine degreaser? This 
 detailer (DetailWerks) recommended San Jose Steam Cleaner (located in 
 Stockton Ave.) in San Jose. He told me that he used them to clean 
 engines. Does anybody have any experience with this place? >>
