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RE: Beating tickets...could it be true?

Reynaldo Tong <[email protected]> writes,

> BMW Digesters:
> Hello everyone, I dunno if any (or all) of you have a "Reynaldo Tong" =
> filter to prevent from reading any of my mails, but I have to response =
> to this one.
> This "source" of beating tickets, it's virtually and insanely wrong.
> The county (where ever you were cited) does NOT care if you get your =
> money back. I have asked many officers where I live, and I have asked =
> some Hialeah Police Department (where I live), Miami Police Department =
> (some friends works there), Metro Dade Police Department (the most =
> hated, strict police department you'll ever be cited by).
> The first time when someone e-mail to the digest I printed it out, and =
> asked a few police officers that I know of. You know what was their =
> reaction? They asked me, from what part of town this person mailed this =
> "strategy"? They virtually laughed at first, then made a copy to show =
> their Sergeants and Lieutenants.

*more stuff deleted*

A friend of mine checked alt.forklore.urban using Deja News and found
a long discussion that ultimately resolved with the consensus that the
ticket scam is bogus.  Apparently, someone in WA tried it and it didn't

On the other hand, I have to comment that I don't find Reynaldo
strategy plausibly effective, even though his conclusion is probably

1) The police officers probably don't know.  Patrol officers are not
   involved in record keeping and mailing refunds.  How much do YOU
   know about the administrative paperwork being shuffled back and
   forth in your own office (assuming you're not one of the people
   who shuffle papers in your office)?

2) If this is automated or partially automated, it may not even be
   clear to the papershufflers that this is happening.

3) Even if this were the case and the patrol officers did know, do
   you think they would tell you so?

Nonetheless, the scheme seems bogus by most accounts.  Anyone willing
to give it a try?

97 M3
