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Re: <WOB> Re: Dinan Badging

> Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 22:15:18 -0400
> From: "Duane Collie" <[email protected]>
> Subject: Dinan Badges? <HA> BUBBA badges!
> >Subject: Re: Dinan Badging

My comments,  sssssnnnnnip

Duane writes,  snip

> <barf.....gag......CHOKE....>  .... ahem.....

> Those cars showing Bubba Badges are recognized as having several UUC
> upgrades (cheap is good) contained within the car, all designed to make the
> car GO FAST without the pomp and circumstance seen on tuner cars (we ain't
> got no 'Stage' 1 or 2 or 3  t'ank-ewu-berry-much).

Your right here, I wish I had access to a group such as the UUC to do cool
high perf. stuff for cheap.  But I don't have the garage space nor the
resources (tools and personel) to do suspension and engine/drive train work. 
In this respect I am envious.  
	Unfortunaltely I'm relagated to shops like Dinan to do this work for me for
the following reasons,
A) Need someone to do the work
B) Who has a better than fair chance at doing it right the first time
C) With the proper trainning and tools needed to work on BMWs.

Again, Here in CA it's just downright expensive to own a BMW let alone put
high perf. mods on.  Maybe some of you Bubbas can open a UUC West   :-)


> Dinan?  passe'.  The Bubba Badge is da Bomb. Order yours today*.

I'm in, bring um to Las Vegas on PF III and I'm up for 3-4.  Do they come in
quantiy discounts.  Maybe one IRA and my wife for say aaaaa half dozen   ;-)

Well, I was finally bitten by the Duane funny bug.  Bring the act to Vegas
boys and well party to wee hours and then do a badge dual at LVI, after that,
well toast the day, you with your RRs and me with the Anchor Steam.  RRs are a
littly light for my taste buds.

Take Care,

Now I'm really looking lforward to PF III, no matter where it is.
