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Age discrimination (long)

After being on this list on and off (mostly on) for almost 5 years, I
should have known that my posting would have caused such a stir.  My hope
was to bring to light a problem that many young people face and to expose a
bad dealer.  I'm sorry to see that my posting has turned into a typical
Usenet-style flame war.

I would, however, like to take the opportunity to reply to some of the
comments that have been aired on the list.  If anyone would like to pursue
this further, I ask that you do it via private email only.

First, to the folks that have been in similar situations, I thank you for
posting.  It shows that age discrimination is a real problem that is
unfortunately neglected.  Mine was only a example of the many forms that
age discrimination can take.  For example, I understand that many older
people in my area have problems getting jobs, particularly in teaching.
School districts on Long Island would much rather hire people fresh out of
college even though better qualified, more experienced candidates exist.

Next, some people posted on how to get a dealer's attention.  I'm not
looking to flame you BUT when I go to a dealer I don't want to beg to spend
my money there.  To the credit of Competition BMW, BMW of Oyster Bay, and
Westchester BMW (where I purchased my used bimmer) I've always been treated
with the courtesy and respect that I deserve.  Ultimately, consumers vote
with their money.  In this case, I'll be voting against Habberstad BMW.

I believe that some people have confused some posts to the list.  I would
like to make it clear that I never caused any scene at the dealership.
That's not my style.  I was simply trying to help my brother purchase a
car.  Furthermore it shouldn't make any difference but I didn't show up at
the dealership in torn jeans and a t-shirt with a boom box on my shoulder
cranking out rap music.  I happen to be a very conservative dresser and
showed up in clean, respectable attire.  My brother was better dressed than
the salesperson in question.  An older gentleman that received a test drive
while I waited was dressed far more poorly than we were.  In addition, some
have made the assumption that since I'm young I'm a crazy driver.  I've
never been in an accident and I have a perfect driving record.  When I go
on a test drive with a car I treat it better than my own and never push it
anywhere near the point I would my own car.  I'm sorry that so many assume
such things about me just because I'm 22.  I should also note that after
being on this list for so long I've learned a thing or two about bimmers.
In general, I know more about these cars than most salespeople.  Had the
salesperson listened to me, he would have realized that I had done my
homework.  If I were some kid looking for a joy ride, would I have used
such terms as 'Avus Blue' and 'E30'?  Also, would I have waited so long for
a test drive if not serious?  Likely I would have gone down the street to
look at a Corvette (ha).

I would like to specifically address the comments made by Mark Sipe.  I've
used the Internet long enough to know that there will always be some idiot
who will take the opposite position no matter what.  First Mark, the sales
manager was contacted.  His attitude was poor and further prompted me to
make the posting that I made.  Instead of trying to regain me as a
customer, he challenged my claims and was argumentative.  Where I come
from, the customer is right, no matter what.  Furthermore, where do you
come off accusing me of slander?  I'm not a lawyer but I think you meant
libel.  Going with that assumption, my posting was in no way libelous.  As
I understand it, to commit libel one must make a MISREPRESENTATION with the
intent to defame.  My posting was in no was a misrepresentation but rather
my best attempt to explain what happened at the dealership.  In addition, I
believe I'm right in citing the dealership as a whole.  Even if this
salesperson is an isolated bad apple, he's in a position in which he
represents Habberstad BMW and the BMW organization as a whole.  It's
sometimes said that people are judged by the company they keep.  In this
case the dealer is being judged by the people he employs.

I'll be the first to tell you that life isn't fair.  That, however, doesn't
justify what happened.  Nor does the idea that I should eventually outgrow
such discrimination.  The fact remains that I was discriminated against.
It's easy to disregard a claim if it's never happened to you.  Let me tell
you that it's humiliating and insulting.  It makes you feel like less of a
person.  While this doesn't compare to the discrimination that others may
experience due to race, religion, or sex, I have a renewed respect for
their plight.

Finally, I would like to respond to the posts from Bubba Michel.  In the
past I've enjoyed many of your posts but in this case I think you're way
off base.  Your logic is critically flawed.  To compare the purchase of
beer or cigarettes to that of a car is hard to believe.  The way in which
those products are purchased is mandated by law.  Assuming you are of age
to buy a car, you should receive the same treatment that any other customer
does.  Let's talk about hedging.  If the <insert group of your choice> is
known for bad driving, is the dealer hedging their bet by not giving a test
drive?  Sounds like discrimination to me.  The dealer hedges with insurance
- - heard of it?  Also, you seem particularly fond of statistics. If you've
had even the most basic course in statistics you should know how numbers
can be manipulated.  Also, the misapplication of statistics proves nothing.
 The statistics about drivers in my age bracket should have no bearing on
the way I'm treated.  Again, if <insert group here> is statistically more
likely to shop lift, should those folks be frisked routinely at a shopping
center?  I don't think so.

I'm quite aware that I've opened the door for a number of flames but I
won't stand by while people make inaccurate assumptions about me and others
in my age group.  Again, I ask that you take it up with me via private email.

All the best,
[email protected]
'91 325i
- --
Douglas P. Regulinski
[email protected]

"The main function of economists is to give astrologers credibility."
                          - Cameron Galway 
