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Post Pizzafest Wining and Review - Long

Enough with this ridiculous Pizzafest Door Prize Wining!

The event itself was a blast as attested by Curt, Mike and several other

The Friday pizza dinner was a great event.  It was fun to meet all the
people whose names are posted all over the digest - can you say "Net
Heroes" (those of you involved know what I mean).  The only problem with
Generous George's is that the 32 oz beers are so damn heavy - it forces
one to drink more and faster - it's too heavy to hold and too depressing
to have an empty glass.

The autocross was quite a success.  Having done numerous events in the
DC area, this one was setup, run and DONE with incredible expedience -
thanks to Rafael Garces, Dave Lasalle and Woody Hair for their setup
work.  I would have enjoyed the event more if I had race tires (or even
a race car) but then again...  Rob Levinson was the Ultimate Passenger -
it seemed that he was in every car that ran - I'm not sure if he was
used as a weight penalty or to balance the weight of the driver.  The
fun runs after the competition were more fun than the actual
competition.  There's nothing like seeing five helmeted heads bobbing
gently as a car makes its runs.  It's even more exciting to listen to
those helmets tapping together when the car spins - trust me.

Dinner was an interesting affair to say the least.  Several Pizzafesters
were enticed to break the bank and spend the $2 to bet on the ponies -
too bad the ponies didn't cooperate!  As with most gambling affairs,
it's more fun to watch the gamblers than the event especially with
people screaming at television screens - and they thought I was crazy
when I talked to my car.

The Go-Cart affair on Sunday was quite an exciting time as well.  It was
neat to see the entire front row of the Go-Cart track filled with asst'd
BMWs (and the occasional Chevette, I mean Corvette and Mustwang).  The
wax that is used to make the track slick was pretty dusty and eventually
prompted me to grab my helmet and gloves - nothing like that look of
fear from the track attendants.  Too bad my cart was the same as Frank
Massaro's - S-L-O-W, but it sure was Wide- just ask Danny Wendell and
Rich Bebee!

The rally was a first for me so I figured I'd team up with a pro - Dave
Lasalle.  Besides, he has a "new" '95 M3 which at the time seemed more
comfortable than my old car.  The rally was quite a challenge, not just
looking for visual clues but testing one's BMW knowledge.  Since we had
NO BMW knowledge, we placed no where!  At least we followed all the
directions and actually completed the prescribed route!

Hooters was, well Hooters.  Lot's of Hooters - too bad that they wore
jackets when they walked outside - maybe next time.  Upon arrival, I
promptly pulled Chris Coulter's DME to install a chip - right in the
parking lot - and who says bolt-on performance has to be done in a
garage.  The group photo was nice but it seems that Lucy Bebee was
protecting the Hooters girls by relegating them to the front row - Rich,
please control your wife!

Dave and Busters was another first for me - a video parlor for adults.
Perhaps this wasn't the best event BEFORE Summit Point since it
convinced me that Brett Anderson is truly insane.  It also convinced me
that 90% of Pizzafesters are certified NUTZ!  The games are way cool - I
want one in my basement.  The tank game was more fun than all the
driving games since we could play together as a team - although Duane
and I still got obliterated.

So ends my saga of Pizzafest II.  I didn't make it to the track due to a
little racing incident - I now own an VW 14v.  Of course, I'm sorry I
missed Pizzafest I but there's always the future...

- --
Matthew Yip
[email protected]

'87 VW GTi 14v
'88 M5
'99 F-350
