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RE: Pink 320i?

Maybe it was a Mary Kay car.  I've seen quite a view light pink cars
running around here with Mary Kay stickers on them.

- --David Boyd
'84 325e 200k

> ----------
> From: 	John Ward[SMTP:[email protected]]
> Sent: 	Tuesday, October 06, 1998 2:57 PM
> To: 	[email protected]
> Subject: 	Pink 320i?
> I saw a light pink E21 320i today on my way to class today. It was in
> pretty
> rough shape. I couldn't help but laugh. Now why would anybody want to
> do
> that to a BMW? In the unlikely event the owner is on this digest,
> don't take
> offense. Amazing what a couple cans of spray paint and a paint brush
> can do.
> ;-)
> Regards,
> John
> 1990 750iL
> 1992 325iA
> BMW CCA #150800
