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re: Magnecor vs Nology vs Stock wires

In light of the seemingly conflicting infomation from Ron and

>Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 22:08:02 -0400
>From: Ron Katona <[email protected]>
>Subject: re: Magnecor vs Nology vs Stock wires
>"Rob" wrote:
>> Has anyone ever tested all these wires back to back on a dyno??  Do
>>any of them actaully make a difference in power or driveability,
>>assuming the O.E wires are in good condition?
>Yes... and maybe. Here's a URL where you can read the owner's
>impressions and link to the dyno charts:
>For the web impaired, the results showed peak gains of 2.2 hp and 2.5
>lb/ft on an M44 installed in a '96 318ti. Although those are probably
>small enough differences to fall within the dyno's margin of error
>(there was a temperature change during the runs that was calculated
>out), looking at the charts reveals a couple of things. First, the
>torque curve is fattened up a noticeable amount from 2000 to 3000 rpm.
>The M44 could certainly use that. Second, the hp curve doesn't drop off
>as fast above 6000 rpm. I don't think the shape of the curves are dyno
>errors, so there appears to be _some_ real benefit.
>Ron Katona


>Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 22:27:01 EDT
>From: [email protected]
>Subject: Re: bmw-digest V9 #227
>Here's the thing Rob:
>No matter what anyone tells you about 700,000,000,000 volt ignition
>systems the plugs are going to arc at say 30,00 to 50,000 volts.  ONCE
>THEY ARC THE VOLTAGE STOPS RAISING.  The voltage will only raise
>up IF it can't go to ground.  At normal plug gaps even under boost or
>forced induction the plugs arc to ground at that kind of voltage.  

... let me ask this:  Is it possible the stock wires were old, used wires
that were not in perfect condition?  If so, that could explain the
differences between the stock wires and the 2 aftermarket wire sets.  In
other words, it is possible that just a new set of stock wires would have
yielded the same results as the aftermarket sets.

Scott Miller
GGC BMW CCA #44977
