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Re: [Fwd: 5er automatic (tiptronic?)]]

Charles Gregory ([email protected]) writes:

> First of all.........you're right.  I do need to quit talking to
> salesmen. Unfortunately that's what I do for BMW.  When I was writing
> the original post, I was a bit norrow minded on my scope, and had
> completely forgotten that people worldwide get the digest.  The US is
> sort of the bastard child for BMW, we rarely get the real good stuff,
> so all of what I was speaking of was for the N. American market.

No, no, don't worry about it. Can I speak personally for a sec? I'm from a
different corner of the world, and understand that the bulk of the digest
readership is US-based. So I understand, and am perfectly tolerant of, the
US bias. (I hope others are too.) The only area that I often forget about
is that not all digest readers are "first-language" fluent in English, so I
sometimes have to watch those euphemisms <g>.

> I live in Tucson, AZ so you can understand we don't see to many european
> versions.  When I wrote that, it was just to let the US people know that
> maybe we would be receiving the hot set up.

Sounds like a good idea to me. As regards the lack of kit US cars get, bear
in mind that minor refinements, like electric operation of 3er coupe rear
quarterlights and PDC, are less important when you consider that a) the US
cars often come as standard with BIG optional extras like air-con (a $2,750
option in the UK until very recently), and b) the base price is a lot

Just my ha'p'orth.


Andrew T
'95 318is.

                                  n n n n
