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Re: Mail campaign...

Hi, Rick, the last I heard, BMW was only going to make one M3 version
for both Europe and North Amreica.

>Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 12:31:24 -0400
>From: Frederick Key II <[email protected]>
>Subject: Mail campaign to BMWNA on new M3? No watered down US
>Hi all,
> Perhaps with all the rumors about the upcoming M3 we should start a
>mail campaign to BMWNA explaining that we in the US do not want a
>watered down version of the M3 or at the very least the "higher"
>performance version should be available as the EVO option.  I think we
>should do this while BMWs plans may still be flexible.  Not that I am
>going to rush out and buy a new M3 but ....... hhhmmmm oh yea I guess
>I probably will;-)
>Rick Key
>95 ///M3 JimC ///Motivated

But, whatever they do, it will be a marketing decision designed to
maximize profits.  Part of their original decision not to sell an E36 M3 in
the U.S. was due to their estimates that they couldn't sell enough of the
"real" M3s at the higher prices to justify the expense of bringing them
here (so I've heard).  It was a later suggestion by BMW CCA members
that resulted in them bringing a "watered down" M3 to the U.S. market. 
(And, you must admit, a 240 hp E36 ain't all that bad!)

On the other hand, your suggestion of a "regular" M3 for both markets
and an "Evo" M3 for Europe-only is a pretty good idea.  But then, there
would still be complaints that we were getting the "watered down" M3,
don't you think?

Anyway, it sure can't hurt for us to write letters.  Anyone got the

Scott Miller
GGC BMW CCA #44977
Still dreaming of an E36 M3, an E46 is way out of the picture right now...
