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Re: <E30> My car slows down!
On Tue, 22 Sep 1998, Andrew Weesner wrote:
> I have recently become more and more aware of my car slowing down
> substantially when I take my foot of the accelerator. For those of you
How long have you had the car? Is it possible you've just become more
sensitive to something that's been happening all the while?
One feature of these cars is that fuel delivery is cut completely when you
take your foot off the accelerator, thus what you get is pure engine
braking. Now, it shouldn't pull the car to a quick stop or anything, but
in freeway traffic it means that you don't have to put your foot on the
brake when you see the guy in front's brake lights come on (assuming
you're leaving the correct distance between you and they ... not always
possible in Massachusetts, but still a good idea) - just
remove foot from gas and place above brake pedal (just in case those brake
lights suddenly get a lot BRIGHTER, of course) to decelerate nicely.
BTW, anyone have a better explanation of this feature? Seems like I've
explained it to my fiancee about a million times and she still cringes
when she sees me not slamming on the brakes when the traffic in front is
lit up with brake lights.
- --thad
Thaddeus Wakefield Batt
[email protected]
BMWCCA Boston: #1147928
1986 325es
1975 2002A for sale!